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Amplifiers - VHF Pallet Amplifiers

HD P/N Frequency (MHz) Output Power P1dB (Watts) Class of Operation Gain (dB) Size (inches) Size (mm)
HD30838 54-88 25 A 43 2.00"W x 5.70"L x 1.10"H 50.80 mm x 144.78 mm x 30.48 mm
HD30712 170-230 25 A 47 2.00"W x 5.70"L x 1.10"H 50.80 mm x 144.78 mm x 27.94 mm
HD30711 170-230 50 A/AB 50 2.00"W x 5.70"L x 1.20"H 50.80 mm x 144.78 mm x 1.10 mm